Terms and Conditions DCO

Date: 23/12/2022


Mr. Anshul Yadav

R/o VPO Malkosh, Malkosh 125, Bhiwani, Haryana 127025


Dear Candidate,

We are placed to confirm our offer ofemployment to you for a regular full- time position (“Agreement”) with BHARTIYA POLICE PROTECTION FORCE as a DISTRICT COMMANDO OFFICER.


ThedetailsofourOffer,includingthetermsandconditionofyouremployment,are attached herewith as Schedule “A”.


Please take the time to carefullyreview our Offer.This letter, along with the enclosed schedules,Outlinesthe obligations ofboththe Companyandyourselfwithrespecttoyouremployment Conditions, and is governed by the laws of the Republic of India with exclusive jurisdiction of courts in New Delhi. It details the terms and conditions of your employment with the Company and will form our agreed upon employment contract with you once signed. On or before the actual dateof yourjoining,youwillneedtosubmitacopyofrequired documents for verification purposes. This list ofrequired documents shall be intimated to you.


TheOfferisconditional upon successful verification of the documents and your submission. If thereisany defectfoundinthesamewhichisnotclarifiedsatisfactorilybyyou,wereservethe righttorevokeandcancelthisOfferwithoutanynoticeorreasonthereof andyou will have no rights orclaimsagainsttheCompanyinthatcase. Accepting this Offer will be condition upon agreeing toand signingacopyofthisletterandtheattachedSchedule(s),initialingeachpagein the rights –handcorner,andreturningittomeuponyourearliestconvenience,butpriortoyourfirstdayof employment.


Welookforwardtowelcomingyouto the Company and wish you a successful and rewarding careerwith us.






For and on Behalf of






Schedule A

Terms and Conditions


The following outlines the terms and conditions of Offer made by the Company:


Job Title and Location

DISTRICT COMMANDO OFFICER/ BhiwaniThe location can be shifted at the sole discretion of the Company with a 24 hour prior oral or written intimation.


A copy of your role and responsibility description is attached as Schedule “B”. While employed with the Company, you agreed to work exclusively for the Company and agree that you shall not, while you are employed by the Company, be employed or engaged in any capacity, in promoting, undertaking or carrying on any other business that competes with the Company or interferes or could reasonably Interfere with your duties to the Company.

Employment Period

Your employment with the company shall begin on the Start Date (mentioned below) and shall continue through the second anniversary of the Start Date (the “Initial Period”). Commencing on the second of the Start Date (the “Initial Period”). Commencing on the second anniversary of the Start Date and on each anniversary thereafter, your employment with the Company shall automatically renew and extend for a additional year, unless one of the parties shall deliver to the others 60 (sixty) days’ advance written notice of the cessation of such automatic renewal. “Employment Period” shall mean the initial Period and any automatic extensions of your employment as per these terms.


INR 14,830 /- CTC per month in probation and 32,300 /- after 6 months.

Variable pay







The current, standard company health, life, disability insurance coverage is generally supplied as per Company policy. Eligibility for these and others benefits will take place as per Company policy

Applicable Taxes Confidential Information

All taxes related to the salaries, fees and benefits are to be borne by the Employee. All payouts may be subject to deduction of tax at source. Your salary, fees and benefits are highly confidential. You are required to keep them confidential and not share with any person except for management and human resource department. Any violation of this shall be treated as violation of this Offer and Agreement. You shall be bound by a Non – Disclosure, Non – Compete & Policy Adherence agreement (Attached as Schedule “C”).


Full – time Employee

Start Date


Payroll Schedule

Your salary or other applicable payouts will be paid to you on a monthly basis through direct deposit to your bank account on or before the 07th day of the next month.


You will be entitled to 7 days of vacation (Privilege Leave) annually, may be availed only after confirmation. Any further increase is subject to Leave Policy of the Company. Vacation is to be taken at such time as is determined by or acceptable to the Company.


By signing this Offer, you agree to undertake training that the company deems necessary to develop your skills to enable you to perform your responsibilities, for productivity improvement or otherwise. The training hours may be over and above the Hours of Work defined above at the discretion of the Company. You Understand and acknowledge that the Company is requiring to invest Considerable resources in your training and development.

Probationary Period

To assess your fit within the Company, the first 3(three) months of the Initial Period will constitute a probationary period. At any time during Thisprobationaryperiod. TheCompanymayterminate your Employmentwithout Cause and with 1 (one) week advance notice or Pay in lieu ofnotice. If this occurs, we would have nofurther Obligation to you, financial or otherwise. You will be deemed to be Confirmed only after the Company issues you a letter of confirmation. The Company extend your probationary period for a further period Not exceeding 6 (six) months, if found necessary.

Policies and Standards

The Company has established a variety of policies and standards that Ensure a safe, enjoyable working environment. During the period of Your employment with us, you agree to be bound by these policies Andstandards, and any future policies and standards that are Introduced by the Company. It is agreed that the introduction of the Company and that you shall be bound by these policies. It is further Agreed that if the Company introduces, amends or deletion or Policies as conditions warrant that such introduction or Amendment does not constitute a breach of this Agreement and you Shall be bound by the policies as they exist at the time when any Question arises regarding the polices

Performance Review

Performance will be reviewed biannually as per Company policies Against performance criteria as set out. In case your performance is Not satisfactory, sufficient notice at the discretion of the Company will Be provided to you with constructive feedback on how to improve. If You fail to perform satisfactorily after such performance reviewand After elapse of the time given to improve performance, your Employment may be reviewed by the Company at its sole description. Performance may be reviewed more frequently, if necessary.

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property, Non-Compete and Non Solicitation

Our offer of employment is conditional upon you agreeing to and Abiding by the “Confidentiality and Proprietary Information Agreement.” Attached as Schedule “C”

Representation and Warranty

You hereby represent and warrant to Company that you are not party to any written or oral agreement with any third party that would restrict your ability to enter into this Agreement or the Confidentiality and Proprietary Information Agreement or to perform your obligations hereunder and that you will not, by joining the Company, breach any non-disclosure, proprietary rights, non-competition, non-solicitation or other covenant in favor of any third party. Further, you hereby represent that all the contents of your resume, testimonials, references, previous employment details and other Information furnished by you are true and accurate. You agree that this Offer is made to you relying on your Representations. if any of them are found to be untrue, that shall be treated as a breach of this Agreement by you and liable for immediate termination.

Change to Duties And /or Compensation Resignation

If your duties or compensation should change during the course of your employment with the Company, the validity of our agreement will not be affected in addition, if one or more of the provisions in our agreement are deemed void by law, then the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. You shall not be entitled to terminate your employment with the Company during the initial Period, except for a Valid Reason (as defined below). Should you wish to resign from your employment with the Company after the Initial Period, you will be required to provide One month written notice after completion of Probation Period & 15 days with in Probation Period (“Minimum Notice”) to enable us to transition your work You shall also be required to provide Minimum Notice to us should you intend to resign during the Initial Period for the Valid Reason. The Company may, at its sole discretion, waive the Minimum Notice. with or without any compensation for the same from you You shall be deemed to have resigned from the services of the Company without Minimum Notice, if you do not report to work for a continuous period of 10 (Ten) days without Company’s consent “Valid Reason” shall mean failure of the Company to pay your salary for a continuous period of Two (2) month.

Termination by Company

The Company may terminate your employment during the Initial Period: (1) at any time during the Probationary Period without Cause (defined below) and with 1 (one) week advance notice or pay in lieu of notice; or(2) with immediate effect for a Cause. After the end of your probationary period, the Company may terminate your employment without cause at any time by providing you with the Minimum Notice. or pay in lieu of such notice and no more. The Company may terminate your employment after the Initial Period: (1) without Cause at any time after the Initial Period by providing you with the Minimum Notice, or pay in lieu of such notice and no more: or (2) with immediate effect for a Cause; or (3) with immediate effect in case you suffer any permanent disability, as certified a medical practitioner of Company’s choice, that renders you incapable of performing your employment duties. “Cause” shall mean:(1)Your failure to perform employment duties which failure Continues for ten (10) days after the Company has given written notice to you specifying in reasonable detail the Mannerin which you have failed to perform such duties (2) common of an act or Omar ion by you constituting: (x) an offence; (y) dishonesty withrespect to the Company; or (z) fraud; (3) common of an act or omission by you that: (x) could adversely and materially affect the Company’s business or reputation; or (y) involves moral turpitude; (4) your breach, non- performance or non-observance of any of these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement between your and the Company or any policies of the Company, if such breach, non-performance or non-observance shall continue beyond a period of ten (10) days immediately after written notice thereof by the Company to you; or (5) Your chronic or extended absence from duties without the consent of the Company.


Schedule B

  • That Anshul YadavR/o VPO Malkosh, Malkosh 125, Bhiwani, Haryana 127025
    • Training Date______________
    • Completion Confirmation________________
    • batch Number______________
  • HerebyI understandthatthejobofferedtomeisaprivatejobwhichnotanytypeof govt jobconnected which I have been explained and I have understood.
  • That I will be on a training period or probation for first 3 months where in my duty is to meet 6 people on daily basis for the promotion of skill education in my area which I shall report to my immediate senior and I shall achieve every month a minimum of 10 people who are preparing for the physical training for joining INDIAN ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, POLICE, CRPF, SRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP, ASF, SSB, RTO, CIVIL DEFENCE, HOME GUARD, NCC, AND SCOUT & GUIDE to join the skills development courses out of the 180 I have to meet in the entire month or at least 1 person in ten days of my working which I have to achieve anyhow. You are required to collect Rs.12, 100/- for each standard you enroll for various technical courses provided by us. The benefits will get towards this amount will be center fee for the course, bag, uniforms, books, stationary, job placement and apart for all this studiousand outstanding can also get a scholarship of as. 7,200/- (Rupees seven thousand two hundred) only. I shall be entitle for complete salary only on successful completion of Target mentioned herein above. I shall be paid a training remuneration only on the discretion of the organization on achieving the lower Target.
  • Ihavepaidasumof Rupees2100/-attimeofjoiningtheTrust againstwhichIhavereceivedapair of pantshirt,tie,shoes, id card and bankaccount facility etc. for the same which I have received myself. I also have paid an amount of Rs.__,000only, towards the security amount which shall be 100% refundable to me after the continuous 03 years or more of my service. In case I resign/leave the job before 03 years I shall be entitled for 50% refund of this security amount. This 50% refund will be payable to me only after the completion of 03 years from the date of my resignation. If you leave the job before 03 years 50% of your security amount will be refunded to you after deducting Rs.3,500 ( Rupees Three thousand five hundred ) only towards the preparation of legal documents, training, boarding/ lodging and various other expenses incurred on you by the company.
  • That I have been explained in detail about my job responsibility which I have understood and accepted and I will work sincerely as per the rules of the organization and incase I am not able to perform my duties I shall not hold anyone responsible for the same and the decision of the organization shall be acceptable to me in all terms and condition.



Schedule C


Inconsiderationof employmentasonemployee (“Anshul yadav”)withBHARTIYA POLICE PROTECTION FORCE(The”Company”),theundersigned(the”Employee”)agreesandcovenants as Follows:

  1. Confidentiality
  • The Employee shall at all times including during the period of his/her employment or Engagement with the Company and for an indefinite period thereafter) keep and maintain Strict confidentiality of all Confidential Information, and use such information only as may be required in the normal course of the Employee’s work and shall not disclose or divulge any such information or data, without prior written consent of an authorized officer of the Company, For the purposes of this Agreement the term “Confidential Information shall include any and all information, data or material (in whatever form and by whatever name called) that may pertain to the Company, or its customers/clients, vendors or other business associates, Affiliates, Employees or its directors, officers, Employee, advisers, or s by whatever name called together referred to as “Specified Persons” ), including without limitation,Information that pertains tothe business, financial, operational, technical information that pertains to the Companyor any Specified Persons.,
  • any training material/processes that may be provided to the Employee, all business ortrade secrets formulae, contract terms, business procedures, processes, techniques,Technical know-how, methods, methodologies, tools or structure, ideas, discoveries,Inventions, processes, developments, records, proprietary information/ documents,company’s client database, client contact information, and other essential information and documents that pertain to the Company or any Specified Persons; CHAUD etc.
  • information concerning / provided by the Company that is not known or generallyavailable to the public at large, including without limitation, documentation, businessDevelopment of planning, future projects, commercial relationships , negotiations, the marketing of goods or services including customer names and lists, sales targets,statistics ) financial statements and other financial information  , Employees lists;
  • all data or information sent provided by the Company, whether in written, oral or onmagnetic or other media to the Employee, prior to, on or after the date hereof , and
  • Any other information, data or material provided to the Employee or which comes into the knowledge or possession of the Employee in connection with his/her employment or engagement (whether or not the same is specifically marked as Confidential). During the period ofemployment or engagement, the Employee will work honestly, faithfully, diligently andefficiently for the growth of the Company. Further, the Employee shall execute / sign such other non-disclosure agreements as and when required by the Company or its affiliates The  Employee shall at all  times, whether during or after the term of his/ her employment or engagement , act with utmost fidelity and shall not disclose or divulge any such Confidential Information to third parties or make use of such information for his/her own Benefit or otherwise howsoever, expect in such manner as may be specifically  authorized by The Company in writing. Further, the Employee shall, at all time, whether  during or after the term of his/her employment or  engagement protect  and  safeguard  the Confidential Information with the highest degree of care. The Employee will not reproduce, store in a retrieval system ortransmit in any form or by any means -electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording. Scanning or otherwise any Intellectual Property or other Confidential Information, for any purposes in any manner whatsoever, except as specifically Authorized by the Company in writing. Upon expiry or termination of the employment or engagement with the Company, the Employee will return and surrender to the Company, all Confidential Information including  without  limitation, data, information, files, books, magazines/journals, reports, documents, manuals, audio and video tapes, laptops, USB, discs/drives and any other knowledge databases that were provided to the Employee or which were entrusted to the Employee in the course of his/her employment or engagement and shall not retain any copy thereof in any form whatsoever. The Employee may also berequired to execute such further documents as the Company may require in this regard, from time to time.
    • The Employee acknowledges that the Confidential information is the sole and exclusive Property of the Company (or any Specified Persons, as the case may be)and that by entering Into and /or performing its obligations under this Agreement, no right or license in the Confidential Information is granted to the Employee, except the limited permission on to use such Confidential information for the purposes as set out here in this Agreement and / or theEmployment Agreement.
    • In the event the Employee is requested or required under any applicable law or by oral questions, interrogatories, request for information or documents in legal proceedings, or by court order to disclose any Confidential Information, the Employee will provide immediate notice of such request to the Company so as to enable the Company to seek an appropriate protective order from an appropriate Court or other forum.


  1. Intellectual Property Rights CHAU
    • All in tell actual property rights in any work or material created, developed or discovered by the Employee (either alone or in concert) during the course of his/her employment or engagement or involving any resources of the Company shall belong to, and be the property of the Company and the Employee hereby confirms and undertakes that he/she shall not be entitled to claim any rights over such intellectual property. The Employee further undertakes and agrees (during or after the term of his/her employment agreement with the Company) to disclose and assign any and all intellectual property rights in any such works including without limitation in any trademark, logo/ brand name, look and feel, website domains, invention development process, plan, design, formula, specification, program or other matter of work whatsoever, and the same shall be the absolute property of the Company. The Employee shall as and when requested by the Company, do such acts as may be deemed necessary by the Company, and shall execute such deeds and documents , as the Company may require, to Effectually vest in the Company, all such intellectual property rights and benefits in such works Or materials. In performance of the duties and responsibilities, the Employee shall not use or infringe any intellectual property properties or rights of any other person.


  1. Exclusive Employment or Engagement and Conflict of Interest
    • During the term of employment or engagement with the Company,
      • The Employee (a) shall use his/her best endeavor to defend and promote the interests of the Company, and (b) shall not directly or indirectly, take up any employment, or other such similar engagement by whatever name called with any other person, or carry on or be engaged in any profession, or vocation either by his/her or through partnership or any other form of association on part-time or other basis. However, it is clarified that the Employee is not restricted from pursuing any hobbies like Contributing articles to publications, music, photography, sports, and other similar activities provided however that the Employee discloses any such associations or part-time projects that he/she may take up including the names of such associations, web-sites, social media groups or engagements. The Employee further assures and confirms to theCompany that as on the Effective Date, he/she is not employed with any other person (whether or not he/she is paid any remuneration, honorarium or such other amounts) and that he/she does not have any other business or other interests similar to or in conflict with any business carried on by the Company.


  1. Non-Solicitation:
    • The Employee shall not, during the term of his/her employment or engagement with the Company and for the Agreed Period, solicit, endeavor to solicit, influence or attempt to Influence any client, customer, Employee person or other person who has any business or other relationship with the Company, directly or indirectly, to reduce his / its level of engagement with the Company or stop dealing with the Company or direct / facilitate availing products or services similar to or competing with the Company from any other person (including a competing Business). Further, the Employee shall not, during the term of his/her employment or engagement with the Company and for the Agreed Period, Employ, engage or seek to employ or engage in any manner, for his/her self or on behalf of any other person, any person  that is employed / engaged, or that was employed/ engaged by the Company at any time during the period of 6 (six) months prior to such solicitation/ engagement, and/or facilitate/ cause any person that is employed or engaged by the Company, to leave his employment or engagement with the Company.
    • The Employee contracted party, shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, demand, accept or Secure – whether for yourself or for any third parties – any gifts, favors, or any other benefits, of any nature whatsoever (including by way of any cash or monetary grants, hospitality or otherwise), from or in connection with) any vendor, customer of, or any other person having any relationship with, the organization. Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is clarified that referrals, if any, that the Employee contracted party may be required to provide to any person in the course of his employment, shall be provided strictly on a meritorious basis and keeping the client’s interests in mind (including factors such as competency, reliability, cost/quality effectiveness for clients etc.) and not for personal gain, Any violation of this Clause will be a material breach of your terms of engagement and may entail appropriate action.


  1. Indemnification:
    • Employee shall indemnify, defend and hold the Company, its officers, directors,associates and agents. harmless from any and all claims , causes of action , damages,obligations or liabilities or any kind or nature, arising out of or connected with any act oromission of an provisions of this Agreement, during the course of the employment orengagement with the Company and thereafter. You shall not file any claim/complaintagainst trust for the amount Of Security Deposit and salary paid under this Agreement.


  1. Company Policies:

The Employee is required to comply with all the policies as communicated to the Employee from time to time by signing a copy of this letter, the Employee is consenting that he/she will get familiarized with Company’s policies. The Company reserves the right to interpret, change, suspend or terminate any of its benefits, policy plans or programs in accordance with its needs from time to time. The Employee further acknowledges that this Agreement along with the final form of any referenced documents such as [Employment Agreement, the job description and the service rules) ], represents the entire agreement between the Employee and the Company and that no verbal or written agreements , promises or representations that are not specifically stated in this offer, are or will be binding upon the Company.

  1. General:
    • The obligations and commitments established by or under this Agreement will come into full force i.e. the Effective Date and shall remain in effect for an indefinite periodthereafter;
    • If any term or provision of this Agreement is found to any extent to be invalid, void, orunenforceable by a Court of law in India, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will,nevertheless, continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated inany way.
    • The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the covenants and obligations with respect to CHAUD Non – compete and non – solicitation as set forth above  relate to special, unique and Extraordinary matters, are reasonable and are necessary for protection of legitimate business Interests of the Company The Employee agrees that violation of any of the terms of such Covenants and obligations will cause the Company, irreparable injury or damage to the Company  Therefore,  the Employee agrees that the Company shall be entitled to injunction, restraining order or such other equitable relief as a court of competent jurisdiction may deem necessary or appropriate to restrain the Employee from committing any violation of the covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement. These injunctive remedies are cumulative and are in addition to any other rights and remedies that the Company may have at law or in equity.
    • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Delhi, India the Parties hereto hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at New Delhi. The Courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising under this Agreement. Any claims for injunctive relief(s) arising out of this Agreement may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. Any Claim arising to the Salary and other benefits shall not be lodged before any competent Authority, same shall be lodged before the management of Trust only. All claims shall be have the jurisdiction to lodge before management of Trust with proper written communication on registered Address of trust.
    • A failure or delay by a Party to require the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver by such Party of any of its rights nor will it affect in any way the validity of this Agreement or any of its provisions on the right to enforce such provisions at any time thereafter. A waiver in order to be effective against the Party waiving its rights shall be in writing and signed by such Party. No waiver of any term provision or condition of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, will be deemed to be or be construed as a further or continuing waiver of any such term provision or condition or as a waiver of any other term, provision or condition of this Agreement.
    • This Agreement may not be amended except in writing and signed by the parties.






Authorized Signatory


Employee Name:                 Mr. Anshul Yadav


R/o VPO Malkosh, Malkosh 125, Bhiwani, Haryana 127025